We’re approaching the two-month mark from when the global COVID-19 pandemic was declared. In that time, our colleagues and fellow members have settled into new norms. Those who can are working from home, relishing the short commute while juggling virtual team meetings, home schooling and intrusive pets. We’re forming new rhythms while coping with the heartwrenching obligation of maintaining a safe distance from loved ones — humans are social beings after all.
With the initial shock of the pandemic behind us, I am looking to help CPRS Edmonton navigate the coming phases and think about its role as attention turns from response to recovery. First on the list is making sure you are supported professionally. CPRS National has excellent resources for members: you can find them at cprs.ca/connect or in CPRS Edmonton social media.
Second is CPRS Edmonton’s annual general meeting (AGM). On Friday, May 29, we will hold our first virtual AGM to review highlights of the past year and the Society’s financials, and elect a new slate of officers for 2020-21. Following the AGM, we are thrilled to feature a webinar with Daniel Tisch, president and CEO of Argyle Communications. Well known as a Fellow of CPRS, Daniel will share insights from his research on the impact COVID-19 is having on relationships.
Watch your email and CPRS Edmonton social for AGM registration details.
And finally, third, 2020-21 will be a year of innovation and experimentation. This includes a pared down board of directors with three major portfolios (programming, membership and communications) in addition to president, president-elect, secretary and treasurer. There are opportunities to volunteer in each of these areas and we will continue retooling programming, especially in light of COVID-19.
This pandemic requires our profession and our local community to build and draw deeply on resilience. On the one hand, we must be stoically realistic about what and how long adjustments will be required. On the other hand, our clients and employers depend on us for unwavering optimism in our ability to bond as a community in the face of an enormous challenge that could last months longer.
As always, my virtual door is open if you have questions or concerns. I look forward to seeing you online at the AGM.
Stay healthy and safe,
Lyn Brown
President, CPRS Edmonton