It is with deep respect and commitment that we mark the passing of Don Labelle, one of the founders of CPRS Edmonton. His 50-year legacy of contribution to the association is one our board strives to honour in our volunteer work as CPRS members and communicators.
Let’s pause for a moment from the busy work to reflect on the immense gift of service paid forward by Don and other modern “pioneers”. And, let’s say thank you more often to one another and to those who serve as our personal “life mentors” as we strive to bring our best selves to all we do.
As Daniel Tisch noted, we are living with the rolling reality of disruption in 2020. Rather than fight it, CPRS Edmonton is embracing the opportunity that disruption brings – to try new things and do traditional programs in new ways.
We’re holding monthly virtual mixers starting with our Last Call Before Fall on September 24. We’re asking pros in communications consulting and digital PR to share expertise over virtual lunches in October and November. We’re holding a US election “watch party” on November 3 with our friends at CPRS Calgary. And please sign up for the virtual speed mentoring event on November 10.
Local societies across CPRS are opening their doors to colleagues from away and a shared National calendar of events is emerging. Watch for details in our monthly e-blast, social feeds and website.
Locally, please keep your ideas coming and if you have a few volunteer hours, please be in touch with anyone on this year’s board.
I’ll wrap with a big thanks to volunteers – Heather, Julie, Daniel, Dana and Deanna – who are sharing their energy, talents and time to help us create a wonderful program for a resilient community.
As always, my virtual door is open!
Stay healthy and safe, Lyn