In November, we are shining the spotlight on mentorship. Earlier in the month, we hosted a virtual speed mentoring night. Thank you to our members who are providing mentorship to communicators at all stages of their career. Following up this successful event, we’re providing some resources that communicators may find valuable.
Millennials Want Mentors, Not Managers: In this article, author Sonali Verghese looks at how many millennials prefer to receive feedback from their managers to grow their careers. She says while many of them want to be empowered to solve problems, they also appreciate guidance and building relationships with their seniors, and are even interested in reverse-mentorship.
Searching For A Mentor? 16 Questions To Help You Find The Right One: In this article, Forbes Coaches Council outlines 16 questions to consider before settling on a mentor to make sure you get the most value out of the relationship.
3 Reasons All Great Leaders Have Mentors (And Mentees): In this article, author Brian Rashid explores the role of a mentor. He explores the benefits for the mentee and what the mentor can get out of the relationship when they make time for someone.