Tammy Vineberg, APR
Have you heard there are no more original ideas anymore? I’m all for being inspired by an idea that has been implemented, especially in our profession. American entrepreneur and investor Tim Ferriss said: “One can steal ideas, but no one can steal execution or passion.”
However, it’s much better when it’s approached in a collaborative space. CPRS Edmonton is giving you a chance to do this with our new monthly Communications Coffee Chats. Each month we will have a topic to prompt the conversation but it’s open for you to meet others in our field, brainstorm projects, or just having a conversation on the latest public relations trends. CPRS Edmonton will pay for coffee for the first five people who attend. The first chat will take place on Saturday, November 18 at 10 a.m. at Aspen Coffee Roasters. We’ll be focusing on the upcoming deadline for APRs, which is December 1. Feel free to bring copies of your work plan for everyone to discuss if you are comfortable. We can also chat about other topics/issues.
Speaking of topics, our next professional development is how to level up your LinkedIn profile. Resume expert Barb Penney will be providing tips on how to improve your profile so recruiters take notice. If Barb’s name sounds familiar, she presented in the spring about resumes. We’re also offering a chance for you to get a new professional headshot that you can use on LinkedIn. This session is taking place on Wednesday, November 22 at Zocalo. Registration fees include the option with the headshot or no headshot. Tickets and space are limited, so you’ll want to register here as soon as possible.
We’re still looking for ideas about future professional development sessions. I admit it’s a challenge to satisfy our varied audience who have a vast range of experience in the field. That’s where you can help. Please let us know of specific topics or speakers you want to hear. Perhaps you were inspired by a discussion on LinkedIn or by a session offered in another field but it can be changed up with a public relations twist. Do you have a case study you want to hear about? We’ll do our best to meet everyone’s interests and needs. Please reach out to me or others on our board to let us know which direction we should take in the coming months.
If you are not receiving CPRS Edmonton’s emails, we invite you to join our email list. You will find out the latest news and hear about the upcoming events. I hope to see you soon and feel free to reach out. You can find me on LinkedIn or email me at president@cprsedmonton.ca.