CPRS Edmonton is pleased to honour our two newest APRs: Zak Fairbrother, APR and Benjamin Proulx, APR.
Accreditation is a year-long process in which candidates are evaluated against a rigorous national standard for ethics, strategy and professionalism. Successful candidates receive the right to use the designation, and continue to contribute to and elevate the profession of communications and public relations throughout their careers.
To mark Zak and Ben’s significant achievements, we are holding an APR-only mixer at Stingray Bar and Eatery, 9682 – 142 Street on Tuesday, March 19, 2024 from 5:30 – 7:30 p.m.
All members who are Accredited in Public Relations (APR) are encouraged to attend. Tickets are $15 + GST, and your ticket includes appetizers and one drink.
Please register through Eventbrite. We look forward to seeing you there!
Not yet an APR but would like to learn more? We’d love to be able to celebrate you as one of Edmonton’s newest APRs this time next year. Check out our Accreditation page on the CPRS Edmonton website, and email accreditation@cprsedmonton.ca for more information. We’ll be happy to help you take the next step in your communications and PR journey.